Monday, November 11, 2013

What is the main thing?

I've recently been reading some leadership books to gain a better understanding of what differentiates a leader from every-day 'Joes' in the work-place and society.  This has been a great area of fascination lately as I have been surrounded by more influential leaders that I look up to, and as personal development for myself.  I'm always looking for ways that I can improve my skills and positively affect those and the world around me. 

In my recent readings, I was recommended a book called "Monday Morning Leadership" by David Cottrell.  This was a fabulous quick-read (I read it in 1.5 days, during my lunch and other breaks at
work, I could hardly put it down).  I have to say this was the best ten bucks I've ever spent!  So many nuggets of information wealth are compressed in these pages. 

Perhaps one of the most profound and influential nuggets that I can use each day is asking myself- what is the main thing?  You can apply this question not only in your professional life, but also in your personal life.
  • What is the main thing you are trying to accomplish in your life?  
  • What is the main thing you need to do today?
  • What is the main thing your department needs to focus on?
  • What is the main thing for your family?
  • The main thing for your company?
 As you can see, there are a ton of ways this one simple question can impact your all aspects of your life.  I literally taped this question to my monitor at work so I would constantly be reminded of my "main thing".  It's so easy to be distracted or pulled in so many directions that you lose sight of your "main thing".

I encourage you to write down your main things for your family.  For your personal goals.  For your professional goals.  For your week.  For your year.  For your employees.  For your business.  Write it down and post it somewhere that you will see it each day.  I guarantee that doing this one action will change the way you work and live each day.

What are ways that you keep your life focused on your main thing?  Is this something you practice already today?  

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